PhysioMed Women's Triathlon & Duathlon
2022 Date coming soon
Selwyn Aquatic Centre
The following information will sent out to you by pigeon. Just kidding, we will get our pigeon send it to you by email. But if it doesn't reach your inbox because pigeons aren't always that reliable, read on...
You can also download the information below or view as a PDF here
Information for participants 2021
Have a read and if you have any further questions or any particular needs on the day either send me a Private Message on PhysioMed Women's Tri Facebook Page or email me at or call/text on 027 271 9721.
Note: There is a change of Bike course due to the roadworks on Selwyn Rd and Springston Rolleston Rd. It is a 10k with 2 laps for 20k Long course
See description and maps here
Event Registration
Everyone must register on Friday 26th or Saturday 27th March at one of the following venues & times (exception is if you are travelling from out of town and cannot make registration – if so please contact Barb on to arrange)
Shoe Clinic Northlands Mall
In front of Farmers beside Life Pharmacy -
(main entrance off Main Nth Rd)
Friday 26th March from 2pm to 5.30pm
Saturday 27th March 9.30am to mid day
Selwyn Aquatic Centre
Broadlands Drive
Friday 26th March from 6.30pm to 8pm
Saturday 27th March 3pm to 4pm
We need you to register on either Friday or Saturday so we can confirm that you are entered into the correct event category and you collect your event number and goodies.
If you are not able to register yourself, you can get someone else to do this for you.
Your wave/start number is allocated in order of the date that we received your entry starting when the event opened last year. Your event category and wave number will be on the back of your event number
If we have adverse weather conditions (high winds, hailstorms, torrential rain) the event will be postponed. This will be posted on the PhysioMed Women's Tri Facebook Page and the Women's Tri Website Home Page at 6am in the morning. There will also be a message on my cell phone 027 271 9721. If it is just raining, pull your jacket on and come and play as we know that you won't melt !!
Car Parking
Please do not park in the main Rolleston Pool Car Park. We will leave that area for public coming to use the pool after our swim and during the remainder of the Tri & Du.
There is plenty of car parks across the road from transition in Fraser Park in front of the new Rec Centre plus the other side of the playground there is a shingle car park.
Transition area
The transition will be in the main car park by the exit/entrance on Goulds Rd. The area will have gates around the parameter and there will be A frame bike stands for your bike. At the end of each "leg" of the event you pass through transition “In or exit” gates which have big ENTRY & EXIT signs on them. Team members tag inside the transition area beside their bike.
The transition opens to you from 6am and all bikes must be on the bike racks when it closes at 7:30am. This gives you time to sort out the gear you need and have a good look around. There will a number of lovely people in transition to help you with putting your bike on the bike racks, to give you any advice you need on setting yourself up and answer any questions you have. They will also be writing your event number on the back of your hand.
The way we place the "entry" and "exits" means that there is no advantage to where you put your bike, everyone will cover the same distance. Hang your bike by putting the front of the seat over the rack. Each bike rack will hold around 8 cycles and there will be more bike racks than needed so there is no need to cramp up on space. Please use both sides of the rack and don't move other bikes that have already been set up, especially if the owner is not there!
Each bike stand row will have a bright coloured card and picture to help you remember where your bike is but it is a good idea to have something you will find easy to see like a bright towel on the ground by your bike or a small plastic bin with your gear in it or a coloured ribbon tied to the pole by your seat. You need everything beside your bike you need as you come into transition from the swim or first run and then from the bike to the last run/walk.
If you have a stand on your bike and do not want to use the bike racks there will be a space at the end of each rack for you to use your bike stand.
Once you have your bike sorted eat some food, have a drink and do a walk around transition so you are familiar with each of the swim, run/walk and cycle entry (into transition) and exits (from transition).
During the event your supporters cannot be in transition (except for Dads or support person with buggy & baby ready for the New Mum's category) They will cheer you on from the outside. There will be marshals in transition to help if you have any problems.
For the "New Mum's" category there will be a space in Transition for Dad's or support person to have Buggy & Baby ready for you when you finish the bike section.
Team members tag at the bike stands at the place you choose to put your bike.
Toilets & Changing facilities
I would suggest that you put on what you will be wearing when you get up in the morning. Especially if you are swimming.
The pool will be opening at 7:30am, there are toilets across the road from the finish and port a loos in transition.
Event Timing
The Timing of the event is done on computer. Your event number must be visible as your cross the line.
Your wave start time is set in the computer and the time you started after the first wave is adjusted in the system when you cross the finish line.
To get your time correct we need you start in your allocated start wave (so listen carefully as your number is being called at the start)
The emphasis of the PhysioMed Women's Triathlon & Duathlon is on being on the start line and finishing the event, not how hard or fast you can go.
Results will be loaded on the website as soon as possible after the event finishes on Sunday.
Timetable for Sunday 28th March
• 6:00am Transition opens
• 7:30am Transition closes
• 7:30am Event Welcome and brief. (It is compulsory for everyone to be there)
• 7:40am Warm up with Kris & Barb 😊
• 7:50am Triathlon participants ready in the pool. Duathlon participants to Goulds Rd by the path.
• 8:00am Event starts – Long Distance first then Short Distance
Triathlon swim (Short Course 100m & Long Course 200m)
You will be asked to line up in numerical order (you will have your event number on the back of your hand) and sit on the seats beside the pool. The start team will get you in order for the swim.
The pool will have every 2nd lane rope removed and you will be swimming across the pool for both the 100m & 200m.
There will be 5 of you in each wave starting every 60 seconds. You start in the water. After each wave starts, the next wave of 5 will get in the water ready to go. Be aware if you miss the correct wave start your finishing time will be incorrect. We will call the waves but you will need to be listening :).
While waiting for your start you can keep some warm clothes on as there will be plastic bags to put your gear in and felt pens to write your name on. The bags will be taken to the finish for you to collect later.
If you need your glasses after the end of the swim there will be a table by the exit door.
The swim is 200mtrs for the Long distance (8 lengths) and 100m for the Short Distance (4 lengths) of the 25m pool. Every 2nd lane rope will be removed from the pool so you will swim up the left-hand side of the double lane, back down the opposite side (keeping the lane rope to your right. You will then go under the lane rope and up the second double lane the same way for either the 100m or 200m.
If you need to stop at the end of the pool that is ok, but please do not hang onto the lane rope and be aware of staying clear of other ladies coming up to the end of the pool.
You can swim any stroke you need to. Breast stroke is fine but please be aware of keeping as close to the lane rope as you can so swimmers doing freestyle can pass when needed.
To keep the swim fair for everyone, please swim all the way to the end of the pool before you go under the lane ropes. When you get out of the pool please walk to the doors where you can then run into transition (except if you have entered the walk section you must walk) through the “Swim Entry” gate.
Duathlon 1km Run/Walk
Our starting marshals will get you to line up in numerical order starting on Goulds Road by the path from the pool car park
There will be approx 10 ladies starting each 60 seconds. Please listen to ensure you start in the correct wave as if you miss your start your finish time will be incorrect.
The Duathlon starts on Goulds Rd right beside the back of the pool. It is straight up Goulds road (this is a dead-end road) to a turnaround cone (before the end of the road) and back the same way to the path into the pool grounds, follow the chute up the side of transition by the pool wall through the "Run Entry" gate. Check the map here
Cycle (Short Course 10km - 1 LAP & Long Course 20km - 2 LAPS )
We do not have road closure for any part of this event and all road rules must be obeyed at all times. There will be marshals on every turning corner and a Traffic Management Plan in place to make the event as safe as possible for you and other road users. The marshals are there to direct you, not to stop traffic unless there are stop/go paddles as directed on the Traffic Management Plan. We ask that if a marshal gives you instructions that you please do as they ask and please take care at all intersections.
Take the time to have a look at the cycle course so you know where it goes. There are marshals on all turning corners to direct you around the corner safely.
When you get to your bike in transition, put on any additional clothes you are wearing on the bike, put your bike helmet on and fasten the straps (you must have your helmet on and fastened at all times your bike off the bike racks). Run or walk your bike out of transition (If you have entered the walk section you must walk your bike) through the “Cycle Exit” gate. Get on your bike once you are out on Goulds Road.
The 20km Cycle course is 2 laps of 10k course - You run or walk your bike through the "Cycle Exit" gate and turn right onto Goulds Rd down to the white fence at the end and go onto the cycle lane, left turn on to Lowes Rd, turn left onto Dunns Crossing Rd, right into Goulds Rd, left onto Selwyn Rd, left into East Maddisons Rd, right onto Goulds Rd, straight through roundabout on Goulds/Broadlands.
The 10k Short course turns into transition. The 20k Long distance continues straight down Goulds Rd to complete a second lap. The Cycle Map is here -
When you get back to the path on Goulds Rd that enters the pool grounds there will be marshals that will remind you to get off your bike and run/walk it back down the lane beside transition to the same place you took it from.
Please - Never, ever, ever cross the centre line of the road at any stage during the cycle, it is dangerous and will result in automatic disqualification.
Do not ride in big groups or more than 2 abreast or overtake on the left-hand side! Please call “passing on your right” when you are passing other cyclists.
It is advisable to carry a spare tube and pump in case you get a flat tyre. We will have some marshals on course helping with any punctures but we cannot guarantee they can get to you.
It is a good idea to have your cell phone in your pocket if needed in case of major bike failure.
If you need other assistance on the bike course, PLEASE remain where you are as there will be a tail car (with flashing lights) on the course behind the final person who will be able to assist you.
Please leave your bike and gear tidy in transition to be fair to others.
Final Run/Walk
Both the Short Course 3km and Long Course 5km will have marshals, cones, signs with arrows and be marked on the ground. The courses are a mix of road, footpath and Foster Park.
Please make sure your number is visible at all times and is on your front when you cross the finish line
Both Short Course 3km and Long Course 5km - exit transition beside the footpath and right into Goulds Road, right onto the footpath onto Springston Rolleston Road, right on footpath into Broadlands Road, cross over at marshaled point near entrance of Rolleston Pool to Foster Park. Continue up footpath towards Dynes Road.
The 3km Course turns right at sign west across the middle of park on the sealed path and follows the around the west side of Fosters Park to the exit at Broadlands Drive by the toilet block. Cross over Broadlands Drive at marshaled point by the roundabout, stay on footpath across main entrance to the pool (marshaled) then left into the pool grounds beside the school boundary, around the back of the pool to the finish. The 3km Course map is here
The 5km Course is the same until the 3km course turns right in Foster Park, the 5k continues straight ahead to exit out Foster Park right onto Dynes Rd, follow Dynes Rd to the corner of Goulds Rd, back onto the Foster Park track to the lake, right hand turn, follow till left hand turn to the toilet block and drink station, left here and follow the marked path to the car park area on the Broadlands Drive part of Foster Park, follow to the Adventure Playground, continue for another 250mtrs on Broadlands Drive towards Springston/Rolleston Rd, turn around a cone and come back to cross the road at the marshaled crossing, left and follow path on Broadlands Drive to the finish line.
There will be a drink stop with water at 2.5km.
The 5k Course map is here -
If you have entered the walk section, please do not run or jog any part of the course. This includes from the pool to transition, transition to bike start, bike dismount back to transition.
Other General Information
If you withdraw from the event at any stage, please let the marshals at the finish line know. We do check to make sure all participants have crossed the finish line safely.
Water, fluid replacement and fruit will be at the finish line for you.
Medical assistance and first aid will be at transition with ProMed+ and will be available during the event if required.
Transition will be closed until everyone has finished the course. Please be supportive and considerate of others that are finishing after you. There will be a designated area by the finish line for you to leave any gear you will need when you have finished and before transition opens.
Adrian from PhysioMed will be in the area by the finish line if you need any advice.
Prize giving will be when everyone has finished the event. A short prize giving to acknowledge the first person in each event and lots of spot prizes (you must be at prizegiving to claim a spot prize). If the weather is not kind prize giving will be cancelled and a list of spot prize winners will be put on a board in the gazebo during the event. Check your number and claim your prize before you leave :)
There will be a mobile coffee cart at the finish area
Results will be on by Sunday 5pm
PLEASE for your own safety re–read the event rules at the end of this information sheet, copied from the website.
If you have any further questions or any special needs on the day please contact me on or text/phone on 027 271 9721.
Barb and the organising team
Have a fantastic day, believe in yourself and go do it.
Savour the satisfaction of crossing the finish line.
Finally - re cap of the Event Rules
The following rules are for your safety and to ensure you have a smooth and fun day.
All participants even if you have pre-entered, must register on either Friday 7th or Saturday 8th Feb before the event and attend the event briefing at 7.40am on Sunday 9th Feb
Participants must remember that the event is being held on public roads. Caution and commonsense must be used at all times.
All road rules must be obeyed at all times. We do not have road closure for any part of the event. Do not presume that you have any special privileges or right of way because you are participating in the event.
Crossing the white center line of the road at any stage during the cycle will result in automatic disqualification.
Marshals on course are available to assist you where and when possible, however they are not able to stop traffic, you must obey the road rules and their instructions at all times.
Marshals on course are placed on each turning corner, however it is your responsibility to know the course.
Cycle helmets should be in good condition and be of approved standards. Your helmet must be securely fastened before you remove your bike from the bike stand and stay fastened until your bike is returned to the bike stand at the end of the cycle leg.
Wearing headphones or earplugs (music) during the cycle leg is not permitted.
Medical personnel have the right to remove any participant from the event should they consider it necessary.
Refunds will not be made for non-starting of event. However, you may at any stage transfer your entry to another person.
Any decision made by the event director is final.