PhysioMed Women's Triathlon & Duathlon
2022 Date coming soon
Selwyn Aquatic Centre
Do all swimmers take off at once or are the starts done in waves?
As for gear, I assume compulsories are swimming cap, goggles and bike helmet?
How is the timing done, electronically? Are the times accurate?
Is the run section on grass or sealed path as I have only been training on grass?
What does it mean by triathlon walk/run and duathlon walk/run?
Q: Do we have to wear a specific t-shirt?
A: No, you can wear whatever you want.
Q: Please advise me on the range of swimmers in the event, are you expecting only very competent swimmers or mid to low range are ok as well?
A: Many of the women who enter the PhysioMed Triathlon are not competent swimmers and some are. Do not be put off thinking you are not a good swimmer and will be left behind. The way the lanes are set up means regardless of ability you will be just fine. The triathlon is all about encouraging women who have not competed before to give it a go.
Q: Could you please tell me what swimming styles are allowed in the triathlon? I am not a strong freestyle swimmer but my backstroke and breaststroke styles are ok. Would it be ok to swim these styles for the events?
A: Yes you may complete the swim in whichever stroke you feel most comfortable with – it doesn’t have to be freestyle.
Q: I am really struggling with the swim. If we have trouble, will we be able to stop to catch our breath between lengths if we need to?
A: Yes you can stop & catch your breath, just move away from lane ropes where other ladies will be ducking under to complete their next length.
Q: Do all swimmers take off at once or are the starts done in waves?
A: We will start the swim in waves with 5 ladies starting in each wave every 30 seconds. As one group starts the swim then the next group will get in the water ready to start.
Q: As for gear, I assume compulsories are swimming cap, goggles and bike helmet?
A: Bike helmets approved to Snell, ANSI or NZ safety standards are compulsory. Swim cap and goggles are your choice but personally I wouldn’t swim without goggles.
Q: In a triathlon, do you wear togs that you can bike and run in? I presume you want to minimise the clothes you take off/put on at the transitions.
A: It is beneficial to wear minimum clothing but it depends on what the weather on the day and how comfortable you feel. Some ladies bike and run in their swim suit but most wear a pair of lycra shorts that are like bike shorts but do not have the padding, Specific Tri shorts have a small pad for comfort that you can run/walk in. You can either wear your swim suit underneath them or the shorts and a good sports bra. (Visit Shoe Clinic and see the range of Shock Absorber Bras – the best I have worn, Barb) If it is a cool day, put an outer layer of a thermal top and/or jacket in transition. It is far better to take a few moments in transition rather than get chilled on your cycle leg. Do have a practice of putting on the clothes you think you will use on the day (get yourself wet in the shower or practice at the pool), and go out on your bike as some swimsuits and shorts are just not comfortable to bike and run in.
Q: As this is the first tri we are doing, not sure about how we go about getting changed from togs to bike gear, can we change in the changing rooms or is it an outdoor thing?
A: Wear your togs for the swim with a bra underneath. When you exit the swim you run/walk to your bike in transition & put on any other clothing you want to wear on the bike over your togs, e.g. sport t-shirt or singlet, thermal top, jacket, fitting shorts. As above, practice either at the pool or from your shower and see what is best for you. Take a couple of moments in transition to make sure you are warm and comfortable.
Q: Any hints on how to make the day fun?
A: For a fun day......make sure you have checked your bike well, have it serviced at least two weeks before the event (see Greg at Fleet Cycles!) and ride it to make sure your gears, brakes etc are working well. Make a check list of what you want to take on the day....see the suggestions on the web site........try not to stress out in the morning, put on your ipod, get organised in transition and go for a walk, sit in the car and have some food or do whatever it takes to remain calm.......make sure you supporters have packed a picnic lunch for you!
Q: Is the transition area first in first served, and are they the bike racks which you hook either your seat or handlebars on?
A: The transition is set up with entry and exits placed so that no one gets an unfair advantage. The rows will have coloured markers at each end for you to remember where you put your bike. It is best to hook your bike on under the nose of the seat. There will be an area without bike racks for bikes with their own stand to be placed.
Q: Are there any rules in the transition area?
A: Rules are minimal, your supporters are not allowed in transition during the event For yours and other participants safety you must have your helmet fastened before your remove your bike from the rack and keep it fastened until your bike is back on the rack at the end of the cycle leg. You run or walk your bike from and back into transition. And the final rule - smiling is compolsory.
Q. Is there only one briefing, on the day of the race?
A: You will be sent all relevant information by email before the event and there is one briefing, which is 30 minutes before the start of the event and which everyone must attend. There is also event information on the website which is everything you need to know and really is a must read before the event.
Q: How is the timing done, electronically? Are the times accurate?
A: The timing is done electronically. The computer program we use has been written especially for triathlon and multisport and we have been using it for over 15 years now. Your start time is set in the computer and it deducts this from your finish time before the results are printed.
Q: Is the run section on grass or sealed path as I have only been training on grass?
A: Parts of the run is on both grass and some on footpath on the road around the area. I would suggest you do a little bit of running on footpaths, but be careful not to do too much and hurt your legs.
Q: Can I use a mountain bike on the cycle?
A: You do not need to have the most expensive racing bike available. You can use a mountain bike, touring bike or a racing bike. The most important points are that it is the right size for you and it has been well serviced for your safety.
Q: What does it mean by triathlon walk/run and duathlon walk/run?
A: The difference between the run/walk categories for both the Triathlon and Duathlon is fairly straightforward. If you enter the run category (eg. Triathlon run) you can run or walk (or both) on the last stage. But if you enter the walk category (eg. Duathlon walk) you can only walk on the last stage (whether that is a race walk or slow stroll is up to you, but you can't break into a run. (we won't have walk judges out there to make sure you have one foot in contact with the ground at all times!!). We introduced the walk option as some people find running too difficult or are unable to run due to leg problems etc., and so it gives those people a chance to compete with others on a similar level, and not feel they can't compete because they are unable to run.